Have you ever wondered why Demon goes under the name Miley in tournaments? Have you ever wondered what is it like to be in Blight.Int? Find all that in Demon's first blog post!
Have you ever wondered why Blight.Int player,
Jimmy 'Demon' Ho goes under the name Miley occassionally? In his first ever blog post, the famous American star explains the reason behind his obsession with the actor of Hannah Montana, Miley Cyrus.
Besides that, Demon also gave interesting description on his teammates to shed a little light behind the mask of Blight.Int. He ended his blog by saying that his blog will be 10x more entertaining than Kuro 'KuroKy' Salehi Takhasomi's blog.
Excerpt of Demon's blog post:
Miley Cyrus is a unique individual. She's definitely one of the best youngest talent out there! Ohhh yesss I am also a huge fan of her and madly in love with her ooohyeahh! That's why I changed my name from Demon to Miley in the first place! :P Woohoo! I cannot wait til I see her live in concert, I've watched all her movies in theaters and she's AWESOME!
Kuroky- Probably the worst German flamer, bashing on the Amerikans all the time. He pronounces anything that starts with V with a W. For example(we always laugh when he says it)
Kky: "im going to make a wanguard"
Us: "you mean vanguard?"
kky: "its wannnngggguard morons"
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